2 Year Anniversary, TODAY > SNF Fitness – Personal Training & Strength Studio

A note from Steve, Founder/Owner/Head Trainer:

I’m happy to announce that today, 8/22/13, is the 2 year anniversary for us with ‘open doors’ here at 261 Willard St!!

Quick History: As many that Train with us know, I’ve personally had the business since early 2009 with my first paying customer in late March of that year. At the time, SNF Fitness was run as a ‘Mobile/In-Home’ practice that I grew into essentially a ‘Mobile Gym’ operation. While working in that capacity, I met my now Business Partner who was a Client of mine for 1.5 years. We quickly discussed and established our new brand at the end of June/early July in 2011, then built and opened SNF Fitness – Personal Training & Strength Studio just 6 weeks later on Aug 22, 2011. It’s been quite a ride.


Many ‘Thanks’: While I won’t go into deep detail thanking people like I did last year, it’s pretty obvious who they are. First, I thank my Partner for his initial investment in this place and his varied work behind the scenes. Second, I thank my Lead Trainer for his excellent work since becoming a part of my team. Finally, I of course thank my Customers/Clients (especially those who have been with me for a long, long period of time) for seeing value in a product I’ve built with my own hands, and continuing to purchase it. That’s one of the most rewarding parts from a business perspective in all this. I’ve personally spent nearly ALL of the last 2+ years putting ALL my effort into my product, top to bottom, and it’s good to know that since we’ve opened, I’ve always had Customers who’ve seen the value in that and walk through my door. Again, many thanks.


Moving Forward: With the industry changing as fast as it is right now, I genuinely can’t say exactly where we are going in the long run. We do have a decision point coming up about our space at the beginning of 2014, and we’ll address that then. In the short run, my goal is to continue to get all of my Clients (existing and new), the same great product at a better price. Hence, our full transition into the Semi-Private Training model which you can read about HERE on our last post. This, at minimum, is the SNF Fitness of the future.


That’s all I have here to post this morning at our 2 year mark. Again, many thanks to ALL those involved in this, and cheers to getting in the best shape you can, both inside and out, from this point on.