SNF Fitness is just about to complete Week 3 of one of our first very large, Indoor Winter Corporate Boot Camps. This Private Camp is being run for employees of the Park Plaza Hotel Boston, at The Castle. I was contacted prior to the 1st of the year about information regarding structure and pricing of our Camps to pass along to those interested, and was selected out of those who responded to hold this Camp. This has become a HUGE Camp with 25 confirmed participants prior to our very first Session. With the combination of the number of participants, and the size of the facility(nearly as much space as a football field), we have been able to put together an amazing Camp that includes agility stations, lunge/squat stations, stability stations, functional & real weight equipment stations(JC Bands, SuperBands, Med Balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, etc), ladder station, push/pull banded stations, power jump stations(over banana steps), punch out, and jogging/sprint stations. The Camp is broken up into various timed Warmup, Movement Rounds, Sprint, and Core Rounds to keep the flow fresh and have each participant constantly doing something different. The Camp has been a HUGE success thus far.
If your Company is interested in doing a Private Corporate Boot Camp such as this, please contact me for FULL details and pricing strategies. The larger the Camp, the cheaper I can make it for each individual Participant –Though pricing will vary Camp to Camp, with the ideal location and the large number of pre-paid Participants for this Camp, it allowed me to bring the price down to $6/Session!!

"Start" - An Empty Castle

"Start" - An Empty Castle

Agility/Shuffle Station - Cones

Various Stations & Agility Ladder

Power Jumps - Banana Steps


Castle "Art Work" (&Agility Station)

The Group Warming Up

The Group Warming Up

The Group Warming Up

The Group Working the Stations

The Group Working the Stations

Core Round - On Back

Core Round - On Back

Core Round - Planks

Core Round - Planks