Summer Season ‘Training Blocks’ Available at SNF Fitness!

To make progress in your fitness journey, following a proper Training Program is essential. But, that can be very challenging as we approach the belly of the summer season. Training time can be minimal, so making the most out of THAT time becomes very important. Having a Trainer guide the little time you have to work out, and performing a genuine Training Session is one of our best options to get 100% out of each and every hour you can invest in the Gym. Don’t discount the effectiveness of spot workouts!

Starting today through the end of the month, purchase individual Training ‘Blocks’ at SNF Fitness and use them how you see fit for the remainder of the summer. These ‘Blocks’ can be used whenever you want, and don’t expire until Labor Day. Train 3 days this week, 0 the next, 2 after that, and so on. The goal is to make sure we give you the BEST workout possible whenever you can make it in! This is a great way to bridge the Summer before getting back on track with a properly designed Program in September. Contact the Gym today to purchase, as we’ll be limiting sales as it relates to our limited Trainer coverage for the rest of the summer. Call NOW

Sessions can often be booked in as little as 24 hour notice as it flows with our Semi Private Training Calendar. Purchase a book of 8 Training ‘Blocks’ for $325, or 15 ‘Blocks’ for $525!.


*NOTE: These are designed to be genuine Personal Training Sessions. Meaning that we will be doing an injury Q&A at the time of purchase, talk about Summer goals, talk about how we will use the facility for you and those goals, as well as a light Nutritional roundup. These are not full time one-size-fits-all workouts. 

*Limited to NEW or returning customers only

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